Privacy Policy

Bordro Extra requests some of your personal information (name, age, interests, e-mail, etc.) from you in order to provide better service to our members. This information collected on the servers belonging to Bordro Extra is used only within the body of Payro Extra for periodic campaign studies, organization of special promotional activities for member profiles and member "classification" studies for preventing the transmission of unsolicited e-mails. Bordro Extra does not share the information collected from the membership forms with third parties, does not use or sell it for commercial purposes for any reason other than activity, without the knowledge or otherwise of the member in question. In addition to the personal information requested in the e-mail addresses and membership forms, Bordro Extra analyzes and interprets the visitor movements and preferences it monitors while using the site addressed Bordro These statistical data, which do not contain personal information, can be shared with Payro Extra business partners in order to provide a more specific and effective usage experience. Member information can only be disclosed to official authorities if the information is requested and in cases where it is required to be shared in accordance with the provisions of the mandatory legislation in force. All information entered by the member into the system can only be accessed by the member and this information can only be changed by the member. It is not possible for anyone else to access and change this information. In case the Member has provided personal information about third parties, the responsibility of informing the person or persons about the processing and use of their personal information and obtaining their express consent for the use of such information for the above-mentioned purposes will belong to the Member. How to request information regarding the use of those customers data in the regulatory framework, to request the correction of incorrect data, if any, request the deletion of data obtained or destroying information in Turkey to learn outside of being transferred, to appeal to the treatment and to demand the elimination of the loss suffered if there are rights. When the member registers a subscription to this website and provides his / her information, he is informed that he has given his explicit consent for us to disclose and / or transfer the said information to the Flexible Packaging Manufacturers Association. The member has been clearly informed by the Bordro Extra that their information will only be used and processed in relation to the activity and that they will be transferred to the companies designated by Bordro Extra for the purpose of processing the Bordro Extra and the data and their express consent has been obtained. Analyze the transactions performed on our website to provide sufficient assurance to our users in our business activities (fraud investigations, invoice collection, membership and reward programs, technological service procurement, financial transaction management, logistics services, shipping, order management and member services and / or purchasing transactions. or to Payro Extra"s affiliates and affiliates, third party data processors, enforcement centers, financial institutions or other third party service providers who assist us when necessary to process your purchases. When you provide information on this website or to us, you expressly consent to the disclosure and processing of your information as specified by us. This access / provide presented, the effectiveness of the service you have given consent for the disclosure order will also include suppliers to be built outside of Turkey. Bordro Extra declares that it will delete, destroy or anonymize the data in case the reasons requiring the processing of the data of its members disappear. The member (you) guarantees that the information provided is true and accurate and undertakes to notify us of any change in this information. The Member will be responsible for the damage or loss that our website, website manager or any third party may suffer due to incorrect, incomplete or incomplete information specified in the registration form. We use cookies on this website, which are small text files containing information obtained during your visit to the website and whose main purpose is to improve your experience of visiting the website. You can reach the Bordro Extra at any time via e-mail at and by calling 0 (537) 295 8612.

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